Thursday, June 16, 2011

SW Florida Real Estate Inventory Falls Again

Listing inventory in SW Florida has been falling by 500-1400 units per month in 2011. Latest inventory levels have just been released, and once again levels have fallen another 4.38% last month alone.

Each week we release data that we post in the News Press on our Topagent Blog. Look for the media to start picking up on this developing trend in the Fort Myers Cape Coral real estate market.


Pat Hiban said...

Hey Brett,
Good Points. Well written.
I'm going to be in your hometown in August.
The 22-26.
I am on book tour.
Wondering if you might be able to get me in front of the agents at your office.
I am booked the first 3 days that week at other offices but that Friday the 26th might be good.
Call my cell if you could tomorrow or tonight.

Pat Hiban said...

Hey Brett,
Good Point.
I am in your town on August 26th and want to see if you can get me in front of some agents. I'm on book tour.
Call my cell to discuss tonight or tomorrow if you can.
Thanks Brett,